Cooking Terms Word Search
Get cracking at this cooking terms word search and we bet you will soon be off to the kitchen to stir up a snack, or maybe even dinner. There are a total of 65 words that are typically used in recipes - enough to keep you searching for a while.
The vocabulary words covered in this puzzle are: Al Dente, Baste, Beat, Blanch, Blend, Blind Bake, Boil, Braise, Broil, Caramelize, Chiffonade, Chop, Clarify, Coat, Cream, Crush, Cube, Dash, Deep Fry, Dice, Dilute, Dredge, Dust, Emulsify, Filet, Filter, Flambe, Fold, Glaze, Grate, Grease, Grill, Grind, Hull, Julienne, Knead, Macedoine, Marinate, Mash, Mirepoix, Mix, Moisten, Mull, Pare, Pinch, Poach, Puree, Reduce, Roux, Saute, Scald, Score, Sear, Season, Shuck, Sift, Simmer, Steam, Steep, Stir, Toss, Truss, Whip, Whisk, and Zest.

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