Comic Strips Word Search
A fun and free printable comic strips word search puzzle worksheet for anyone looking for a little challenge. Use at home or in the classroom.
The 30 comic strips covered in this puzzle are: Andy Capp, B.C., Baby Blues, Beetle Bailey, Blondie, Bloom County, Calvin and Hobbes, Cathy, Dennis the Menace, Doonesbury, For Better or For Worse, FoxTrot, Garfield, Get Fuzzy, Hagar the Horrible, Li'l Abner, Luann, Mother Goose and Grimm, Mutts, Non Sequitur, Peanuts, Pearls Before Swine, Pogo, Shoe, The Born Loser, The Family Circus, The Far Side, The Wiard of Id, and Zits.

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