Brand Names Word Search
Some of the items in this brand names word search puzzle may surprise you. Their names become part of popular language and we don't even realize that they ARE brand names. Can you think of any others?
The 31 words covered in this puzzle are: AstroTurf, Band-Aid, Bobcat, Chapstick, Clorox, Coke, Dictaphone, Dumpster, Formica, Frisbee, Google, Hacky Sack, Hoover, Jacuzzi, Jeep, Jet Ski, Kleenex, Mace, Muzak, Ping Pong, Popsicle, Q-tip, Rollerblade, Saran Wrap, Scotch Tape, Styrofoam, Tarmac, Teflon, Vaseline, Velcro, and Xerox.

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