Ballet Word Search
If you have a passion for dance and love the grace and beauty of ballet, this word search puzzle is the perfect way to test your knowledge of ballet terms. From arabesque and pirouette to plié and grand jeté, this puzzle includes a range of ballet terms that are sure to challenge and delight dancers of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned ballerina or simply love to watch ballet performances, this puzzle is a great way to explore the rich vocabulary of this beautiful art form.
The words covered in this puzzle are: Adagio, Alignment, Allegro, Arabesque, Balance, Ballerina, Barre, Battement, Carmen, Choreographer, Corps de Ballet, Demi, Don Quixote, Grande Jete, Music, Nutcracker, Pas de Deux, Pirouette, Plie, Pointe, Position, Recital, Ronde de Jambe, Saute, Swan Lake, Tendu, and Tutu.

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