Anna Karenina Characters Word Search
Tolstoy's amazing novel, Anna Karenina, can be challenging reading, partly because of all of the characters and their long names. This word search is designed to help you keep track of the people while studying this work. Free for you to print and use in the classroom or at home.
The 34 characters covered in this puzzle are: Agafya , Alexei Karenina, Anna Karenina, Annie, Count Vronsky, Countess Ivanovna, Countess Vronsky, Dolly, Frou-Frou, Golenishchev, Jules Landau, Katavasov, Kitty, Kostya Levin, Laska, Madam Stahl, Marya, Metrov, Mikhailov, Mitya, Natalie, Nikolai Levin, Petritsky, Petrov, Prince Oblonsky, Prince Shcherbatsky, Princess Betsy, Princess Shcherbatsky, Serpukhovskoy, Seryozha, Sviyazhsky, Varenka, Varvara Oblonsky, and Veslovsky.

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