Las Posadas Word Search
Celebrate Las Posadas with this super fun word search puzzle. While Las Posadas is deeply rooted in Christian tradition, it is also celebrated as a time of community and goodwill, emphasizing themes of hospitality, compassion, and the spirit of giving during the holiday season.
The words covered in this puzzle are: Aguinaldo, Atole, Belén, Buñuelos, Burro, Cánticos, Estrella, Farolito, Flor de pascua, Hospedaje, José, Magos, María, Mesón, Nacimiento, Niño Jesús, Nochebuena, Pastorela, Peregrinos, Pesebre, Piñata, Ponche, Posada, Rosca, Tamales, Vela, and Villancico.

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