Whale Word Search
Dive deep into the world of the whale with this fun and informative word search puzzle worksheet! From killer whales and humpbacks to blue whales and narwhals, there's no shortage of fascinating species to discover. Whether you're a whale enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and challenging activity, this word search is sure to keep you entertained and engaged for hours on end.
The words covered in this puzzle are: Aquatic, Baleen, Barnacle, Blowhole, Blubber, Blue Whale, Calves, Carnivore, Dive, Endangered, Fish, Flippers, Fluke, Humpback, Krill, Mammals, Marine, Migration, Narwhal, Orca, Plankton, Pods, Singing, Sperm Whale, Swim, Toothed, and Warm Blooded.

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